A November Morn

It's been a fine calm day, with a breeze tonight.  Mostly sunny all day, with the odd shower, and a tad chilly.

I've been working in the museum all day, and a fairly quiet day.  I have been busy most of the day decorating the Christmas tree and café.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a cuppa this evening.  Some walkies with Sammy, and now feet up for the night. 

A lovely morning, but I missed the initial sunrise.  Sunrise must have been about 8.30am, and the sun setting about 3.20pm.  This late sunrises usually means I can capture them, as I'm not a morning person, but as the mornings get darker, I find it almost impossible to drag myself out of bed!  Another month, and sunrise will be after 9am.  Taken from next door, looking over our house and garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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