The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Elton Planning

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I went out for dinner with Kitty Cat, Dee and Charlie to The Little Chartroom.

I don’t know if you remember, but a couple of years ago, the four of us were high on life (smashed on wine) and decided to go and see Elton in concert.

Elton is still postponed (until 2023 now) but on the positive side, this gives us lots of time for ‘event planning’ catch ups. With wine.

It was a brilliant night. The food was amazing (proper posh) and the company was even better. So much laughter. We were the last people in the restaurant (the chefs had already left) but our waiter offered us another drink when we were going to leave. I’m pretty sure he thought we were HILARIOUS. At least, that’s how I remember it.


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