Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Snow capped Cottoneaster berries.

The Feast Day of St. Brendan.
Well, it is 0c here and was minus 3 when my husband, saint in the making that he is, was up and dressed,. scraping the car at 6:30am of a thick frosting of icy snow.
I am the stay at home retired homemaker, so I allow myself the joy of a bit longer relaxing in bed, before getting up and feeding Arthur and loving him until he stops yowling, like there was a great emergency about to happen. The truth is at 17 cat years, he has poor vision and it quite deaf, the dear soul. Until we touch him reassuringly, he seems not to respond to us being in the same room.
The crunchy, slippery snow laden road to the corner shop is not looking very safe to walk on, and the risk of falling does not inspire me to go and buy a newspaper. My friend Lesley, returning from the shop and well clad, confirmed that, as I opened the front door and experienced the northerly freezing cold temperature. I brought the glass re cycling bin back into the garden and thanked God the recycling van was out and about. What a wonderful team of workers, diligent in all weathers.
The bird feeding pole has snow on all the seed containers and I over turned the Vitalite tubs to remove the solid block of ice and put in some hot water. It could well freeze again soon.
So happy to be warm indoors, washing, cleaning, ironing and studying my Vegan course. I have completed and submitted the first three modules and received high grades. The course is provided by The Centre for Excellence, and I believe nutrition should be on the school curriculum. I struggle spelling that word. Thank goodness for spell check.
Have a safe time and enjoy a good week ahead. Thank you for visiting my journal today blip friends.

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