
Our friends who own the place we are staying in drove up from south Suffolk to have lunch. I made a hearty soup and we had fruit. It seemed weird to welcome them into their own home. Jennie and I have been friends for almost 40 years. I signed up for an OU course when we first moved here in Suffolk as I wasn’t sure how quickly I’d find a job. She was also doing the same module. We lived within cycling distance of each other and we got on well. She’s stayed with us a few times in the north and once she and her husband rented Linda’s cottage. Her husband did very well with his own business after settling here from the Netherlands but isn’t very sociable. However he came over today and we had an enjoyable time.

They left to pick up grandchildren from school so Mr C and I had time for a quick 2.5 mile tramp down the beach before it got dark which isn’t as soon as it is at home.

Our village was on BBC national news last night. Some of our friends are still without electricity. 6 days. The council is sending out emergency bin waggons to remove all
the wasted food from defrosted freezers. Now the flood gates have been closed as there’s been so much snow then rain. I don’t know how we’ll cope when we all have everything, including cars, electric. The companies will have to stop paying big dividends to shareholders and spend on the much needed improvements to the infrastructure.

Our Tory MP was scheduled to come up for a photo-op but the outrage on Facebook must have scared her off as she went to Bamburgh instead.

The forecast here isn’t so good for tomorrow - 20% chance of rain or sleet and temperatures of 2-4 so Ruth thinks she might not meet us for the planned walk. I quite like walking on a stormy day by the sea and it’s not the back of beyond - the roads are busy and I’m sure any icy roads will be quickly dealt with. She did admit herself she was a Southern woos! Best she stays at home though if she’s nervous.

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