All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Easter Egg Hunt

Even though hubbie and I were both off work today with it being Easter Monday, Foreveryoung still had Ethan overnight, to enable us to catch up on some housework this morning. Ethan decided he would reward her by having a long sleep - 8pm till 8.30am!!

We headed over to the Foreveryoung house after lunch and along with Foreveryoung and Eden, we all went up to the House of the Binns for an Easter Egg Hunt. It was a beautiful day, albeit freezing cold. However the kids just don't seem to notice the cold like we do. They enjoyed charging up the hill to the tower and helping us find the clues. Ethan even found an ipod which someone had lost and when we handed it in, was rewarded with a second Easter egg as a "thank you"! Apparently it had already been reported as missing and the child who had lost it had been really upset. Nice to know Ethan had done his good deed of the day!

After waving goodbye to the Foreveryoungs we went for a drive to Blackness and then Port Edgar at South Queensferry so Ethan could look at some boats. Too cold for us though so to his dismay we didn't stay long!

Then back to Livingston and as it was now dinner time, we treated ourselves to a meal in Frankie and Benny's. Ethan took a shine to 3 teenage girls in a booth near us and kept asking me / or hubbie to take him to say hello to them. In the end I went up with him - they were lovely and asked him to come and sit beside them! However he went all silly and coy at this stage but kept going back to them time and time again. Very funny and thankfully they seemed to think so too!

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