Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Ooo, Mum, Look At This!

Yes, it's amazing, isn't it?

A skeleton of a leaf? Whatever, it deserved a Blip!

I was going to put out the boy's school uniforms and hurry them up to get to school....I didn't though, as that would've been a mean April Fools joke, wouldn't it?!

I've also been watching a bit of tv today....a catch-up of the Pompeii programme presented by Margaret off the Apprentice. I've been fascinated by Pompeii ever since I was a child...the thought of a town with people captured in time forever more...and then I got to go there in 2001. Lewis was just five months old, a gorgeous blonde haired baby with stunning blue eyes...all the Italians went mad over him and I will always remember how proud they made me feel of my "bella bambino". The waiters at our hotel used to steal Lewis off us during our evening meal...they'd whisk him into the kitchen and we still call him "Luigi" to this day because that's what they'd called him...I digress, Pompeii was amazing and this programme was fascinating too...I want to go back!

I also watched a bit of Jaws with the boys....oooo, it's terrifying this film, I told them. Weirdly enough, when Jaws appeared, they laughed...and it didn't seem so terrifying. But it was at the time, wasn't it?!!

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