Place: St Pete Beach, FL 66/83
Main activity: Thurs - Errands, around the beach
Notes: Awake early, did writing then went for a jog - has been quite awhile! Seemed ok but went less time to start. Was listening to morning vids and thought of the gallery gold ring I'd had for 20+ yrs and decided to take it to the jewelry/coin place. Wasn't worth much even w/ the thick gold but took my cash in 5 silver coins (that ring is going to end up bringing me much more than $130 worth down the road, according to my sources). Did a Publix stop for few things then back and some outside time on the patio and beach. My sprouts and such are doing well - the green ones are celery and basil (celery is doing well, waiting to see if basil leafs will create a root). The big one on the right is the salad sprout mixture - using a new method on paper towel in stainless steel tray. Early afternoon shower and then call with Michelle R. in Michigan from Infrared to discuss some things for the website. Talked to Joe a few times later when he was driving in PA - got the hosting login info and updated the DNS servers myself, site went live within minutes - felt like quite an accomplishment! Walked out for sunset, cool night but beautiful.

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