
That time of year. Sadly abandoned pot at a local cemetery. 

Fallen from grace, well after last year he necked 3/4 a bottle of my good Scotch then proceeded to write my name in urine in the snow in the garden.

This year it is strictly carrots (for Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Dopey, Vaccine,  Covid, Cummings, Donner,  Bojo and Doc Whitty along with digestive biscuits and a glass of semi-skimmed.

Re that idiot MP having a go at Whitty (the most senior medical advisor in the country) saying he should have no part of the conversation because he is  are not elected! We should listen to the elected (a bunch of lobbied blowhards)! Really? Find an honest one. Find an honourable one. I'd go with Whitty all day long. When you have climbed the greasy pole - stick your finger into too many pies they are going to get greasier and down that  pole you will slide. Politicians! We advocate democracy as the be all and end all. We currently do not have it.

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