George Square
The haberdashery department in John Lewis, the make up in Primark, and socks in Tiso provided an effective anaesthetic for another dreich day. Great conversation with the Tiso chap who gave me a 15% discount (on walking socks already reduced by 50%) because I was “a student” studying Gaelic and Spanish. He asked if I was going to visit Galicia ( one of Europe’s seven Celtic nations). Of course I am. He did the Camino Frances 5 years ago, and advises I continue to Finisterre which I may well do. I will be back to buy more socks.
George Square was looking quite splendid – very different to how it looked and felt last year. I may have thought twice about my city trip if I had heard the FM earlier in the day urging us “to stay at home as much as possible”. There was however an essential admin purpose which required a face to face meeting (and a free pen).
I will have no such excuse for my upcoming jaunts.
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