Meeting Kipp

A lovely sunny and calm day, with a calm evening. 

A long lie this morning, finally got out walkies after breakfast, and popped by Madeline's.  Went for a run in the afternoon, and popped by cousin Leona (Grains) and then to see Caroline and Victor.  Roast lamb for tea, and then headed down to work in the shop.  We have loads of new USA imported sweeties, aka candy, so a busy night pricing it all.  More walkies before feet up. 

It was great to see Leona and the bairns today, always a delight.  Unfortunately Callie was sleeping, she's had a busy birthday weekend, turned three, and then Ashlyn turns six on Thursday.  I was also happy to meet their new addition to the family, Kipp.  She arrived a few weeks ago, and such a friendly lass, although a tad scared when Sammy woofed and ran about.  Ashlyn, Kipp, Irvine and Alicia sitting at the Christmas tree, at Leona's, Vidlin.  

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