
In my post for November 21st, I mentioned going out to the König Gallery, but despite my surfeit of Extras, I didn't post the one of a beautiful guitar that I saw in a music shop on our way around to St Agnes Church. That's not surprising; it wasn't a particularly good photo and at the time it had little significance.

But when I came home it really nagged at me and I started looking at the guitar on the web. It's an EPS EC-256, and there were plenty around, but not in the colour - 'lemon drop' - of the one I'd seen in Berlin. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I managed to find one second hand at a shop called Guitar Guitar. And here it is.

I practice guitar most days, intermittently doing lessons on a course that I found on Udemy, but, to be honest, it's not a very satisfying way of learning (for me). I idly mentioned to the Minx a couple of weeks ago that I'd like to get proper lessons next year and she promptly found a local tutor called Paolo Fuschi.

Today, my guitar and I had a 'taster' session with Paolo and I really enjoyed it. I am booking lessons to start in January!

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