Christmas Eve at Granny P's

A small flurry of snow overnight, with more in the north, and again some falling tonight.  A cold day, but sunny and blue skies all day. 

Up early, Christmas Eve! Santie flew past the house this morning, in the annual helicopter run.  Headed into Lerwick, finished off my shopping, and the final wrapping.  The house is setup, and all ready for a day of cooking tomorrow.  Popped down to mam's this evening, delivered presents to Jonny and family, also to Laura and family.  Now a festive pint, then a quiet night in.

So good to see the family this evening, as I'll not manage to get along on Christmas day.  Sadly due to them growing up fast, Michaela and Isaiah were both at work in town.  It's getting hard to get them all together!  Keeping the tradition, they are always allowed to open my presents on Christmas Eve.  Lena was happy with her present, and then Alex was over the moon with his 3D lamp, but more so with the Poptarts I got him, even better it was raspberry flavour.  One happy uncle, love seeing them excited at Christmas.  Taken at mam's, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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