Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Amaryllis.

The Feast Day of The Holy Family.
The Feast Day of Saint Stephen, the first Christian killed for his brilliant faith in Christ Our Lord and Saviour. See Acts 8.

With all the seriously uncertain patterns of thought ongoing, due to weather and the current situation, I go out not much for the time being.
I am grateful for our decent terraced house with a strong roof and central heating. Built in 1897, in such unimaginably different times, from time to time I ponder who lived in this space and what it looked like here before the row of houses were constructed.
No snow has fallen in Rishton but some was reported in parts of the Pennines. It is about 6c. The morning was not good visibility, very cold but dry, and it got clearer before sunset and the evening.
I have turned to reading and just being grateful for what we can still do in a sort of voluntary shielding from the sales and socialising and even attending an actual Mass in a Church building.
It can seem bleak but that is not really true! It is a time to get our inner soul at peace with God, if you believe, and I think it is time well spent. Both of my in laws are in a period of 15 days of isolation due to moving to a Care home.
Keep happy if you can as misery is bad for your immune system and they who are knowledgeable say that serves to weaken God given protection from disease.
Peace and good blessings to all who read this.

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