Journey to Turku, Littoinen

After my father died and everything was sorted out, my step-mom finally moved to Littoinen last summer. Her own relatives live there, so she moved to her roots, her childhood playgrounds. I am not sure though, if she had adapted to her apartment yet…

I visited there already in August and hubby later in autumn. Our kids had not yet visited her new home, but finally we had time to go there together!

So nice wintry route to south-western coast area. Me and our daughter were on the backseat with Nicke the poodle (the dog also had a safety belt on). Hubby was driving and our son was taking care of music (and scoping deers).

There was extremely cold at Loimaa -area between Tampere and Turku, - 20c, as it had been only - 12c in Tampere and - 10c in Turku...

Also some small roe-deers seen. Three on the field and one jumping over the road. There is a lot of roe-deers and white-tail deers between Tampere and coast area. Constant warning signs along the road. It is only two hours drive, but to be honest, it is a bit of demanding because of the deer area… thank heavens only few mooses seen there normally. But you never can be sure ot those.

We spent a long afternoon with my step-mom, made dinner together and chatted and played with Nicke the poodle. Nicke by the way is her old dog, but she had to find a new home for the dog because of her stroke almost two years ago. My step-mom is not able to keep any dog anymore, so she gave her poodle to our son - as our son has taken care of the poodle since her stroke. The young man and the dog are now the worlds best friends!

Late back home. Icy fog over the road almost all the way back, making the world misty white or grey. Remembering the deers, quite a dreadful weather to be honest. My step-mom had demanded that we send a message as we had got back home - and I was happy as I finally could sent the message.

Anyway we had splendid day, it was so very relaxing journey! Some things to catch up with kids on the way, even though we meet very often, a lot of laugh. And it was lovely to spend time with the old lady!!!


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