
By Beewriter


Oh what a brilliant afternoon I've had, I went to the Lowry Theatre with Carole and Carey to see Inspector Norse. The comedy duo who make up LipService are Sue Ryding and Maggie Fox and they are hilarious. Last year I saw them in Desperate to be Doris and I hurt with laughing so much then, today was the same.

We all had to make a sporkla so that we could help create the fabulous firework display in the second half during the Walpurgis Night party. There was sparkly paper and straws in the foyer and we duly created our sporklas.

I could watch it all again, it is one of the best shows I've seen, Maggie Fox has a face that acts in it's own right. I hope they return with one of their other shows very soon.
All I need to do now is enrol on a Nordic walking course :))

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