
By Beewriter


Water of Life

I decided to have a mooch around Chester today, Carey came along too. It was great to actually spend time looking at shops and doing what I wanted to do instead of looking after a class of children. Prep 3 usually go to the Deva Museum and march through the streets behind a Roman soldier. As we chant sin dex sin sin dex and pass all the shops I just want to have a little wander but can't, today I made up for that.

We had look around the shops and then meandered down to the river. The sun was glorious and people were sitting on benches and outside cafes. We decided to be proper tourists and have a ride on the river boat too...great fun.

We had lunch in a little tea shop and then a cake in a patisserie, although the highlight of the day was Chester Cathedral. What a wonderful, evocative building, it takes your breath away. I was spoilt for choice with photos but chose this pic of the bronze statue in the courtyard.

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