Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Sunday — The Day After

This is the day after Christmas — it can’t be — I’m not ready for this very stirring stunning holiday season to be over. All the colors, the beautiful lights, the once-a-year recipes, the candies, the music, oh the music, and, yes, even the clothes, it can’t be time to put them all away. I have enjoyed it all; I’m not bored with it; I’m not tired of it. I think that’s a good feeling. I know some people who just can’t wait to pack it all away. I guess they are all “holiday-ed out.”

Next Sunday the church auditorium (see photo) will look all together different. We started attending Calvert Chapel Chino Hills just this past January when a friend from Arkansas told us in her Christmas card last year that she was attending online.

I have enjoyed the special December sermons so very much. Our pastor has unpacked and explained some of the nativity story in details we’ve never heard before. On Christmas Eve he mentioned “swaddling” cloths and the significance of that. I never knew.

Our pastor has been to Israel numerous times and he is a lover of history, so he has made this month come alive with Baby Jesus details. This morning I watched the 8 o’clock service while Mr. Fun went to the hospital for lab tests since he is having surgery this coming Wednesday. Then together we attended the 1:00 church service. The music is so much better in person; the sermon is better when we are live-streaming at home because Pastor Jack is right there in our livingroom on our flatscreen. The December series is titled “Wonder.” I’ve enjoyed it immensely.

This December we’ve been back in touch with our adult son and our adult daughter. They have both been quite distant, actually estranged from us and each other. We’ve learned that they both tune-in every Sunday to Pastor Jack’s messages. Amazing! Our son lives in southern Oregon and watches online.

So Christmas 2021 is all but over. When a person knows Jesus as Lord and Savior, then every day is Christmas.

From SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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