Please can I go for a swim?

Today we did have a glimmer of sun for a bit but after I took Libby for a walk in Bushy Park. 
This is in the Water Gardens - near the Hampton Hill  gate -  which were originally laid out as part of the garden for Upper Lodge in 1710 built for Charles Montague, the Earl of Halifax who was ranger of Bushy Park. There is a painting In Hampton court Palace to show how it looked originally. The House was used for many things over the years including Barracks and a hospital. It is now in private ownership but the fenced off Water Garden is open to the public and you can take dogs in on a lead. I was surprised there were no people there at 10.30am. 
Libby would have loved to go for a swim but there were plenty of big puddles on the paths for her to get wet in!

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