Sunshine, at last!

Headed to market for a few supplies.  Some stalls were enjoying a longer holiday.  They have been brilliant over lockdowns and the pandemic. They deserve a break.  This time last year the stupid city council like this inept government closed the market.  Thank goodness there isn't a repeat.  Common sense of shopping outdoors has prevailed. 
Extra - Christmas book 'tree'.
Acquainted hall and living room with vacuum cleaner. Lovely to walk hound in sunshine. 
Worked on a drawing until light dwindled.
A bit of reading with coffee before time to make stir-fry dinner. 
We'll see the new year in quietly. Let's hope 2022 sees the back of this shabby government and some positive moves for common good.  It's not too much to ask for is it!?
Happy New Year everyone and stay safe.

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