
By Doingok


On a year gone awry.  We had such hope last year at this time. Cannot say I feel as hopeful for the one ahead, but trying to stay positive.  There is much to be straightened out, adjusted and downright overhauled.  But I'm not going there today. An evening of appetizers and Christmas cookies pulled from the freezer.  

The river in the foreground is the Brunswick River which runs through the town we live in - Leland. And just over that grassy knoll is the Cape Fear River and Wilmington.  We think those metal structures are for off-loading cargo ships.  

Ben has finished his first month at the new job with a very good number of cars sold - tied for 1st or 2nd place in the dealership. The numbers not all tallied apparently.  Nice to end the year on a good note. 

All good wishes for a Happy New Year to everyone.

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