The day to start is today

By Traci

My mind not only wanders

sometimes it leaves completely

Decision made volunteer role accepted ... and good job because the announcement e mail went out TODAY and now all the girls know I am Division Commission for Mendip. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be the last man standing to take it on I would be asked to take on the role. I just hope that after the 5 year - that's right 5 years (extendable to 7 if no one else will take over) stint that we are all still tootling along feeling supported and valued in the roles that the Division/District team does, looking after over 500 girls who are members of girlguiding in this area. So I have a bit of a job to do and big shoes of my predecessor to fill, but ever up for a challenge, bring it on.

Usual run around taxi day, but plenty of bitty bits done and a few more bags (my get rid of a bag of rubbish/recycling per day of the holidays challenge) gone. Just when I thought it was slipper and hot chocolate time, another phone call - please can you collect me, lift not worked out ....... slightly grumpy when I got back, I admit, and then just when I thought I had the right to feel a little miffed - look what I found on my screen left by nearly youngest, ughhh I give up I can't even get fed up and be left feeling miserable !!!!

Wishing you all a post it note cheer up :)

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