
The bright green Lichen in the leaf letter looked like something from another world.

Sorted out some old tools and emptied and cleaned an old toolbox. All neat tidy now.

Early birds spotted were 2 tiny Goldcrests seen just outside the from window.

Exchanged Happy New Years with neighbours. Walk in the park and passed the Church but didn’t go in.

Lunch was a bought fresh soup Yorkshire Provender Celeriac soup. Nice, we hadn’t tried that one before.

Played some CDs and Vinyl in the afternoon.  PJ Harvey Stories from the City, stories from the Sea. Bob Dylan Another Side of.  Richard Thompson Across a Crowded Room.

Watched The Eagle Has Landed - yes again

Nice home cooked roasted veg in puff pastry for tea.

Stuart Maconie presented Pick of the Week Radio highlights and picked some things I had already listened to and more that I had not been aware of but sounded interesting. This is unusual as other presenters often pick very little that sparks my interest.

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