Josie and the tinsel

Today's the day ........................... to re-deck the halls 

The girls were helping us this morning to take down all the decorations off the Christmas tree, before everything got stowed away for another year.  They were doing a great job too.  Josie was in charge of tinsel garlands and Tessa gathered together all the baubles etc before I wrapped them in paper and put them in the box that we use to store them. 

We had just about finished when it occurred to me that Josie had disappeared off somewhere and  had been incredibly quiet for some time - always a combination to look out for?!  And as soon as I stepped out of the room, I could see what she'd been doing.  She had squirrelled away all the tinsel and had set about re-decorating the hall.  As it was all down at her level, it presented the perfect opportunity for a bit of limbo-dancing.

There was no problem as far as she was concerned.  "We can just leave it here, until next Christmas .............."

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