River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Back to Normal …

… almost! 
Such a nice start to the day, washing on the line before midday, made a cup of tea and sat at the computer for a while, windows open to let in fresh air … then the most awful noise … a “wintry shower” which was very heavy and a mix of rain/snow/hail with a stiff wind behind it - everywhere was white, and wet … the poor washing … gambled on leaving it where it was  …
Stayed dry for a couple of hours then the sky went dark again … I was ready this time … collected all the clothes, they were dryish!
Turned the heating on, washing spread on the clothes maid - hot chocolate for MrD & me …
Between showers the sky was blue … at 16:38 another shower was moving towards us …
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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