
By Croft16

End of year..

Beautiful sunny day here in the NW. Finally got around to clearing the bottom patch on the croft ready for ploughing tomorrow.

There were a couple of rows of potatoes left in the ground. I didn't bother harvesting them last year, hoping that the frost would destroy them, but when I started digging amongst them, they were still alive. I didn't harvest them because they were full of slugs, and it seems only the Pink Fir Apples didn't get damaged. The tates I dug today were full of holes, so they were not edible. They've been scattered on the grass for the geese..

Also dug all the remaining parsnips and salsify, hopefully storing for a couple of weeks in compost. The pernicious weeds were dug out (including the couch amongst the potatoes I hope). So now I'm all ready to put the plough on and turn it over. Then rotavate, and get the parsnips in for next year. And salsify, and schorzonera.

I can't do the top patch yet, this still has a lot of brassicas in it from last year, so not quite the end.. Oh well..

The remaining Jerusalem Artichokes arrived, so I planted them, and a CD from the USA. Copperhead, featuring John Cipollina on guitar, my hero..


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