Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine


The shed project is progressing nicely: I've cleaned all the internal walls of 30-year-old cobwebs, mud and debris and I've primed most of it. 

The shed has never had a proper base (which is why it's rotting so quickly) and there were a few holes that I've now filled with a layer of woodchips. 

I've got lots of storage ideas that can't happen until the painting is done but I'm hoping just one more (thick) coat will do - it's hardly interior design!

Every time I have to remove all the gardening gear that I store in there, I'm amazed at how big it is. If I'd been the one to put it up, I certainly wouldn't have sacrificed this much growing space but it's space that's been nice to have all the same.

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