Life In Wales

By KarenC

Shepherd’s Delight

I went for a walk with the boys this morning before going to visit mum.  We had a chat about what she wants to do and she said again that she wants to stay at the care home, she doesn't want me to change anything.  So I'm happy that she's happy and will look at making the necessary arrangements. 

This afternoon I popped into Llandudno to return a few things, not because I'd changed my mind, but because I found them even cheaper than the sale prices I bought them for!  So after returning and re-purchasing, I actually saved myself £40!

The sun was starting to set as I was driving home but I didn't have my camera with me, so I stopped to take a couple of shots with my phone, but as I pulled up at home, the sky was red.  I quickly grabbed my camera and took this shot out of the back bedroom window.

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