Glimpses of light

Today marks a year since the death of my friend, Sue. It was nice, somehow, that we ended up at her old school this morning, for the first time in months, to help out with breakfast club. It was nice to be with other people who knew her and we remembered her together. It was also nice to catch up with some of the youngsters that she loved so dearly.

After school we had Ellie’s annual appraisal with one of our beloved trustees. One of the biggest pleasures of my job is seeing the incredible growth and development in people and being able to affirm and encourage them in their giftings. Ellie is a true joy to me and it was nice to be able to look back and reflect on her brilliance over the year.

Then later it was my monthly check-in with my friend, mentor and general hero, Rev Johnny. When I was at university and Johnny occasionally spoke at uni events, I just thought he was the best thing ever. My admiration for him over the years has only deepened and I feel very fortunate to have him speak into my life. Today we chewed over the ideas around Highly Sensitive People, which also featured heavily at brunch on Saturday. I love deep dives into human psychology and the fascinating ways that people work. Much to think over.

I was disappointed not to make the cut for BBCQT, which is coming from Shrewsbury tomorrow, especially on such an eventful week. My neighbours, Phil & Gilly, are going though so we spent some time this evening mulling over some questions.

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