A Little Goes A Long Way

When compared against other units in both the Royal Navy and Army the RAF have the mickey taken out of them, justifiably over their “Five Miler Of Death” run. Paddy and I became eligible today after completing a six mile trip around Falmouth. We took in The Point and Cliff Road, a lot of the walk was “off road”, glorious sunshine and hardly any wind made it even better.
It certainly boosted the step count.

Mrs S and I are off to see Hazel O’Connor, she of Breaking Glass fame, at Princess Pavilion in March, a late anniversary self gift.
Looking forward to it.
We are celebrating our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary this year and having talked it over we have decided we would both like to spend the day at Bletchley Park, not in any attempt to decode the secret to a successful marriage but because it’s somewhere we would both like to visit.

Todays picture is from our walk, as we came past the point I noticed that the old dodgy bits of rope hanging from the trees that kids used to swing on have been replaced by proper ‘pukka’ swings, it helps restore your faith in human nature. I particularly like the one in the top photo, extra wide to take a rear of my size!!

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