Strike that. Reverse it!


Typical me, Typical me, Typical me

I started something ...........And now I'm not too sure

Love this song but this is how I felt today.

A glorious day, perfect day to go out for the day and make the most of the weather. Well that would have been great but I decided I needed to sort the spare room out and when I decide I'm doing something, thats it. Yep, stubborn redhead may be an accurate description ;0)

Straight forward enough you would think but sorting the spare room is like a sliding squares game and very frustrating. So I had to tidy Tommy's wardrobe out to accomodate his new size clothes that had been building up in the spare room. Then I had to do the same in Mikey's room, then eventually I could sort the spare room. Bearing in mind we moved in 6 years ago and things were dumped placed in the spare room and forgotten.

Three hours into it upstairs looked terrible. You know that moment when its so messy you could cry and can't see how this will make things tidier. Another 3 hours and it was sorted. A boot full of bags for the tip tomorrow and a very tidy spare room, result :0)

Think we may treat ourselves to a take away and a film tonight, think we've earnt it ;0) Hope you've all had a great Saturday xxx

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