About to turn

By jMcLean

Just starting

I took this as the snow was just getting underway (looks better with the black background). We'd safely delivered I. back to her dorm and then zipped back home, stopping for coffee three-fourths of the way there, and then I filled the bird feeders. Storm Izzy dumped a few inches on us and then changed to sleet. It's very quiet out, so I assume the plows haven't done much yet. It was very cold earlier today, but warming up now. 

A flock of robins flew overhead about the time I took this. All these years after having lived in northeast Ohio, with its much snowier winters, I'm still surprised by seeing robins in the snow. They didn't stick around for cold weather where I grew up, but migrated south and were a sure sign of spring when they returned. 

Extra of Felix enjoying the fire!

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