Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Ok, back to blipping junk journal January challenge and todays prompt is ’maps’. I had lots to do so I grabbed a junk mail envelop and folded it, put a paper clip on it and then folded scrapbook paper over the envelop to hide the front. Now I can slide the folded envelop over a page and the paper clip secures it. I used my butterfly dies to cut butterflies from scrapbook paper with maps on and a floral print too, and decorated one side of the envelop with. The other side has yesterdays prompt on and in one of the pockets I’ll put tomorrows prompt.

I’ve started the course for real today and remade my CV because I’d only saved the older one in pdf formate and the course leader wanted a word doc. Before everything was written down again I swear I got some new gray hairs! The document I worked in didn’t want to cooperate and…we’ve all been there, right? Finally I was done, sent it on its way and begun listen to the course about how to write a CV. Some stuff were new and useful and I might even use one of the CV templates we were provided with as downloads, when I get feedback about my current one. Change is good. New beginnings can begin with a new look on my CV. :)

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