
Market day. The town is pretty quiet again today. It makes it safer but not good for stallholders' takings. 
Bought Guatemalan light coffee beans today.  Sampled this afternoon, slightly smoky flavour compared to the mellow Honduran, delicious.
Bought rhubarb as well.  Not huge fan of it as it needs too much sugar for my liking.  Also contains oxalic acid which gives my teeth an unpleasant sensation. The same reason  cannot tolerate chard however colourful it looks.  
So rather than stew rhubarb or make crumble I found a recipe for rhubarb cake which I've made for the first time. 
Iranians use rhubarb in savoury dishes which I must try.
After losing reading glasses, my online order arrived from tiger specs and I purchased a couple of cheap, colourful pairs from Tiger shop.  Tigers in the ascendant. ;-)
Have a pleasant Wednesday evening and stay safe.

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