
By dennismccoy79

Good light and obliging subjects

There I was doing up the breakfast dishes like the domestic god that I am, when Naomi phoned from the car on her way to do the shopping to say that the light was good down by the shore.  I piled into the car with camera and bag anxiously watching the sky in case the light should go.  Flashing red lights and the barrier at the level crossing came down.  Whilst I waited not very patiently, I decided to check my camera settings.  It was set to crazy ISO and a little orange light was on (no data card present)! So, back to the house to collect said card and back down to the shore where there was still some nice light.  I met a fellow photographer (extra 1) and a nice heron (extra 2) but the star was the seal basking (if you can call lolling in 8 degrees centigrade basking) on its favourite rock.

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