By lizzie_birkett

Holocaust Memorial Day

Apologies in advance for my very sad poem, I’ve put it at the end so you can read it or not ;-|

First I’ll tell you about our day which should make you giggle!

Frank made arrangements to go a man’s house in Ilkley as they had organised on Gumtree to do a musical instrument exchange.
Frank would give the guy his Tenor guitar in exchange for a bass guitar.
I said I would go with him as I wanted to look round the shops there.
We set off at 9.45 and about 2 miles down the road I realised I’d forgotten my phone. No matter, I said we’ll just have to stick together.
Another 3 miles down the road and Frank cursed. I asked what was wrong.
He’d only forgotten to bring the guitar!
That meant we had to turn back so I got my phone after all.
He then asked if I realised we had to be back by 1.30 as he had music practice. I didn’t! So I said he may as well just drop me in Skipton and get me on the way back, so that’s what we did in the end. Just before we got to Skipton I looked in my rucksack for my specs - you’ve guessed! 
By the way, I also left my varifocals at dancing class last night! 
I ended up having to buy a £1 pair of readers in Savers just so I could see what I was buying today.
We stopped at the boat on the way home so I could get my spare varifocals.
What a day! At least I got some things I needed in Skipton and took photos of curtain fabrics.

While Frank was at band practice I started my poem and drew the picture.

First here is a link to Karine Polwart’s song of a similar theme and about the Holocaust. It is a beautiful if sad song.

Yellow Stars

Wive’s hearts were beating
Ten to the dozen as they began
To stitch yellow Stars of David 
On the left hand side lapels
Of their dear husband’s jackets.

Mother’s hearts were aching as
They sewed yellow stars,
On small coats, in the place 
Where their children’s hearts
Would still flutter with joy.

Some sewed neatly, proudly
Having faith in their God
Other’s stitches were raggedy,
Sewn in despair, whilst smiling.
And bravely hiding their tears.

Mothers wept as they stitched
The final yellow stars in place
Over their own hearts, while children
Were sleeping and dreaming
Cosy in their cribs and beds.

My children’s Great Grandfather and his brother both died in concentration camps in Poland. They were Jewish and my previous FiL (my ex’s Dad) was a Polish prisoner of war in Germany.

Will humans ever learn? 

Sorry to end on a sad note.
Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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