Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 21/39
Main activity: Sat - snow!, sofa, Joe
Notes: Big day. Woke 4a-something again but back to sleep until after 6a (yayyyy!). Shockingly, woke to light snow early morning turning to big flakes - and very unusual for this area. Heard from Joe around 9a that he finally got on the road. Talked to Mic for about 35 min while she was driving into DC. And then I headed out - quick stop at bank and then to see a Craigslist couch. With the legs off, it fit perfectly in the truck, nice people helped me load it. I couldn't get it in by myself or get the old broken one out so sat in the truck all day with the tailgate bungeed down. A bit more cleaning and organizing thru the day. Joe didn't arrive until around 745p. Had some food I ordered from Bonefish down the street, brought the new couch in, as well as the things he brought that I couldn't fit. He headed to hotel then and I went to bed around 10p. Shown, new couch on the left that has plenty of comfort. Old one on the right that is horribly hard and awful (the 2nd one of the same was already broken (back was falling off, 2 legs had bent completely under and it was sitting on a paint can) - we drug that one to the dumpster.

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