Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 35/47
Main activity: Sun - around the house, beach
Notes: Cold day, woke early but back to sleep again. So nice for it to be light when I wake up. Unpacked the stuff Joe brought, adjusted the water heater. Put my chrome shelf back together, watched a Phil G video but just didn't care much and had to finish later. Wasn't hungry early and couldn't get the CBS Sun morning show at 9a so decided to bundle up and talk a walk to the beach. Turns out the road right here leads straight to the water - is about 10-11 min. Cold but sunny and wind had stopped - very few on the beach, found a handful of olive shells! Was able to get the show starting 1030a, made breakfast and coffee. Early afternoon bath (this time got a full hot bath!). Took some maneuvering but was able to get the Cinn/KC AFC championship game (decided I wanted to watch today after being absent most of the season) - Bengals surprising win to go to Superbowl. New couch is great and was lovely to have a relaxing peaceful Sunday! Joe driving to PA and talked to him a handful of times.

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