New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Loch Leven

Storm Malik got in the way of our plans today - not a day for the coast with winds of 65mph forecast.  Luckily we still managed to get out safely and have a good day, keeping heat and power in the cottage where we were staying. 

We did try to go to the Scottish Deer Centre, but when we got there they said that a number of branches had come down andthey had to close for safety.  So we drove to Falkland instead, I geeked out as we visited Pillars of Hercules farm shop (whose orders I picked many a time back in my warehouse days), looked at Falkland Palace through the gates (not much open in Fife in January), got a hot choclolate, a hat and a tasty sandwich each then set off for the RSPB reserve on Loch Leven. 

It was a bit blustery for lots of the birds but I managed this shot of the sun coming back out of the clouds as we walked along the loch shore.  Looks like a great one to bring the bikes back to.  Nice chatting to the RSPB guys about the garden birdwatch, sea eagles and how Yorkshire folk can be a bit cowardly about rescuing gannets from the top of cliffs.

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