Will and the Plaster

Today's the day ........................ to say "I told you I was ill ....."

A week or so ago, Will had a little accident.

I wasn't in the house at the time but I came home to find him with a swollen wrist and hand - and the start of a magnificent set of bruises.  I won't go into the gruesome details of what had happened - but it involved slipping step-ladders and falling off same from a height.  So you get the general picture?  Anyway, he didn't think anything was broken because he could move everything and it wasn't that painful.  It was just a case of waiting till the swelling and bruising went away.  

And it has improved greatly.  But the strange thing was that - the more the swelling went, the sorer the arm got.  So today, by-passing our local GP Surgery who would have wanted to treat him over the phone, he went straight into the A&E Department at Dumfries Hospital.  Here he had the most wonderful and speedy attention - and the result is a plaster cast on his arm because he has indeed broken a bone.  

As you can imagine, he's now feeling quite sorry for himself and completely justified in any complaining he may or may not have done, over the past days .......!

(Incidentally, the x-ray showed that he has a bit of metal in his hand that he was completely unaware of?!  He can only think it was something that happened when he was a boy.)


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