Making Your Mind Up

It’s been a month since the new lounge furniture was delivered, but we are still no closer to choosing a fabric for the curtains. We’ve tried browns and reds, but nothing hit the spot. The lady from the curtain shop came for another visit and picked out various samples in blue for us to try. Closer, but still no cigar.
I was looking through the various sample books and came across the light green velvet (front left in the picture) which matched the green highlights in our rug. Not a colour we’d considered previously, but the more we’ve looked at it, the more it seems to complement the walls, carpet and furniture.
Just need to try it under different light conditions now, to confirm those initial impressions, and then we can go ahead and get them made. But it takes a while for that to be done so it could be the end of March before we can say the lounge is finished.

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