Tetris and Gameboy

To day I had a quick look through the drawer where I have stored some old tech items… eg mobile phones, Walkmans etc. 

We still have two Gameboys both in working order and about a dozen games. I had a quick look on eBay and see they will sell for about £50 plus £2-5 per game! The original selling price for the Gameboy in 1989 was about £69 .
My favourite game was always Tetris but our children had quite a variety.

I aim to keep all of these things as I hope the grandchildren may be interested when a bit older. I know when my daughter, a teacher, did some work with a class about the 1990s once they  were very interested in seeing Sony Walkman tape players  with headphones as they did not know what they were!  We still have some tapes too.

Our children spent many happy hours in the car listening to tapes on long journeys! I think some children now expect to have an iPad in the car and I have seen you can get them fitted as an extra in some makes of car!

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