
It isn't vanity, honestly. If anything, I quite like how I look in my glasses.

But I'm fed up with the inconvenience of having to put on my glasses to read a message on my watch, and walking 'round the house, retracing my footsteps only, to find them by the washing machine, and the lenses steaming up in Booths as I try to read a label while wearing a mask, and well, the list goes on. Glasses are a pain in the butt.

So when I went to have my regular eye test recently, I asked about contact lenses, and the optician said she'd order some. (There was a lot more to it than that, but that was the upshot.) Today, I went in to give them a try.

If you've ever tried contact lenses, you'll know the ordeal of putting them in and taking them out, and if you haven't, just imagine. (But no, worse than that.) Having successfully completed the manoeuvre, I could have wept when I was told I'd have do it again before they could let me leave.

And in the evening, the Minx and I went to see Pengshui at the Star and Garter, despite her worry that I wouldn't enjoy it. It's a great little venue, which I think we've been to once before. And I did like the band: a drummer, bassist, and MC. Very loud but ably mixed by whoever was on the sound desk.

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