
I don't like Spotify. I never have, actually. I don't like their attitude towards the artists from whom they make vast profits yet pay a pittance. And I don't have much time for Daniel Ek, either. That's partly from what I've read but also on the basis of what I've heard directly from a friend who worked for a while in a senior position at Spotify, alongside Ek.

I took out a Spotify subscription years ago, primarily for my children, but I also have them for each of our offices* so people can listen to what they want during the day. Those may be sound enough reasons but it's always made me more than a little unhappy. I've felt compromised.

The penultimate straw came with Spotify's hiring of the 'libertarian', anti-vaxx commentator, Joe Rogan, for 100 million dollars over four years. Imagine paying someone like that and helping to spread his views because you knew that it would boost your profits.

And the final straw was the company's recent defence of Rogan's promotion of anti-vaxx arguments and the evidence of some racist comments.

So I have moved to Qobuz. It's early days but they seem to be more focussed on music and quality, than on profits. Maybe that won't last but they've got my business for now at least. Would recommend.

*Fear not! We are fully paid up with PRS and PPL.

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