
I no longer know how I feel about Brexit.

Actually, that's not true. I'm still absolutely furious. I firmly believe history will show the full extent to which we were duped, as a nation, by a handful of minorities who briefly travelled together, somehow muddling their way over every hurdle that should have put the brakes on this grand folly, this stupendous act of national self-harm. 

It's clear nothing good has come of it, only bad. But that fact seems missing from our national discourse.

So, what is it, then, that I don't know with regard to Brexit? Maybe it's whether I should simply accept the situation and move on. After all, I have one vote and only one option, which is to vote for the Liberal Democrats (as Labour's presence here is non-existent). Realistically, that's not going to change the outcome of the non-binding referendum.

But then is this it: do I accept all of the negative outcomes, from the intangibles - like belonging, about which I seem feel very strongly - through the serious, unforgivable Northern Ireland situation, down †o the more trivial matters such as the unpredictable vegetable situation in the supermarkets?

I wondered about this today as I mooched around Beetham Nurseries while the Minx was shopping. I don't remember them advertising for staff like this before, but maybe they have done. We're definitely short-staffed as nation, though.

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