
By antipodean

Uni days

I had hoped this picture would turn up a lot later in my blip journey, but alas today I went back to Monash, my uni, for the first time in almost a year.

I only went in to get a new student card because mine expired last week - I have no clue why they give student cards that last two years when most degrees are three years but I've long given up trying to understand the bureaucracy of Monash! I met Phoebe for lunch and caught up on all the gossip, and managed to bump into three girls I went to high school with in the process. It was weird because I thought that, having been away so long, I wouldn't really know anyone at Monash anymore. Guess that's not true!

I was meant to have dinner with Julia tonight but my busy day caught up with me and I didn't make it. I definitely miss Warwick in that respect - even if I was tired I could usually manage to make it to the pub or bar on campus, whereas here I usually have to drive and I hate driving when I'm tired!

The colours in this photo are so weird, I have no clue why. The building, Menzies, is where I spend most of my time because most Arts units are taught there. Ironically, it was designed by Melbourne University architects and the running joke is they must produce terrible architects because the building is so structurally unsound it's a joke. They've had to add supports several times so that it doesn't blow down in the wind...

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