Hala Sultan Tekke

Wandered about the area a bit and bought some provisions before heading off on a leisurely drive to the airport to pick up a couple of friends who were arriving for the wedding.

On route we stopped off at Dhekelia (the military base) for a very tasty bowl of soup and a slice of cake and to ensure we could get fed when we head for home. They do some very good, plain and simple food and do not restrict it to military personnel.

My sister and her family came through 'the system' first but were being whisked away to collect their hire car so I wasn't able to talk to them other than say 'Hello' and give them (the very simple) directions to the village they have hired a villa in and the hotel. I have no idea if they found their villa because they can get lost on a straight road - and this one had a turn off!

It was then back to the hotel to get our friends booked in (they are more than a little bit impressed with the place).

We also met the best man and his wife again who had been down on the beach. In fact he had thrown himself in the sea for a swim and was regretting it. I think he left certain bits on his anatomy in there (it is still kind of cool).

After dinner it was time for the kids to put the grandkids to bed and the adults to head to the bar for a couple of drinks.
Or at least we sat in the lobby with our drinks while the entertainments manager held the kids disco in the bar - for 3 kids. (It is a lot quieter in the hotel now the Western European Easter break is over).

After the disco finished we spent a while talking to Susanna - the entertainments manager (or she will be when the other 2 staff members are hired at the end of the month) who hails from Hungary and works long hours doing all sorts of things for guests of all ages........ Yoga on the lawn at 10am, finger painting at 11am and aquarobics at 12.15pm are 3 of the activities that some of our group are down for doing tomorrow (not a hope for 2 of them). I fancy the archery at 3pm on Friday but No1 son might have something to say about that (Susanna says she can move things around to accommodate me but I am not sure if she means the archery or the wedding).

Hala Sultan Tekke

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