Life's tangled skein

By atp

More Forth Crossing Works

I've been trying to find a location from which I could shoot the various cranes that are being used to build the caissons for the new bridge for a while now. Today I think I found the correct location, but I ended up going for the wider shot instead - I may well return to this spot to get a picture of the cranes by themselves.

Anyway, this is a pseudo-HDR picturelooking south across the Forth. By pseudo-HDR I mean that I took one picture, altered the exposure in Camera RAW to ±2 and ±1 EV, then got Photoshop to merge them all together. By doing so I was able to pull some detail out of the foreground as well as retaining the colours in the sky.

In the distance you can see the cranes I mentioned above. Closer to the camera you can see some of the earthworks required for the road, as well as water works which presumably serve Rosyth or Inverkeithing. Closer still, the chap driving the JCB is clearly being given his instructions, and most importantly, the site cludgie! I didn't spot that when taking the picture, and was tempted to clone it out, but... oh well, it's still there!

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