Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


I saw the architecture of the church and the lines of the stairs together with the lamp posts and thought that this looks rather nice! Perhaps a blip. Then I went on, on my way to work ,and saw the photo, or rather the view, I thought I'd blip. But, this one was better. :)
Fun day at work today! Not only did I get high praise for my jeans jacket from several people, but also from the tailor I'm in the sewing group with. At first he didn't think I sew it myself, he thought I'd bought it and just changed the buttons. He was very pleased with it and helped me change it in the back a bit. We sew it in a couple of centimeters to make the fit better. He's also going to help me with my sewing machine, there was a trick to make the sewing wheel go around again. I think it's called maintenance and that your supposed to do that once in a while... my poor machine hasn't gotten that in years! Oooops! No wonder it's protesting!! I'm going to take much better care of it from now on!
My feet are still a bit achy, but I had on other shoes today so it was ok. Didn't walk home today, though, but will do that on friday.

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