Mooring Ring

Today's the day ....................... for a high tide

We've got off pretty lightly here today, compared with some places in the UK, as far as Storm Eunice was concerned.  The only noticeable effect of the strong winds was to make the already high tide on the tidal bit of the River Dee, even higher.

This picture was taken from the quayside at Kirkcudbright Harbour, looking towards the river.  That yellow line marks the edge of the quay - and just beyond, the harbour wall drops some 8m down to the river bed.  That hook, fast becoming submerged, is where the big fishing trawlers would tie up their mooring ropes.  You can see what I mean in the first extra.  The second extra is looking the other way and shows Harbour Cottage with its green navigation light, pretty low in the water - and with its little garden slowly going under.

There was a lot of water out there today ......................

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