......TV and comfort food.....

Still smarting over last nights loss.....playing the quiz through in my head....spotting where we lost points we should have won....talked ourselves out of right answers.....didn't pick up bonuses.

The score went like this
Round 1 8-8
Round 2. Won 9-6
Total 17-14
Round 3 Won 6-5
Total 23-19
Round 4 Both teams wiped out 0-0
Total 23-19
Round 5 Drew 8-8
Total 31-27
Round 6 Lost 6-11
Total 37-38
Round 7 Won 7-5
Total 44-43
Final round Lost 5-7
Final score 49-50

We lost it on round 6....4 points for getting the answer from the first clue....2 points if you have the second clue....we played too cautious....we had three 4 point answers, but we didn't risk it and went for the second clues....the opponents had to gamble and did on on question....and picked up a bonus point for a question we got wrong....but if we'd only gone for one of our gambles we'd have won by one!

So tonight it's been exactly what the title says.....I haven't eaten a kebab for about 8 years....but one of the fishing guys told me about this fantastic kebab he'd had at the weekend....what he didn't tell me was just how big it was....and it's in a naan bread not a pitta!

Couldn't finish it....it 's in the fridge....it might be going to work with me tomorrow for lunch!

Some quiz questions for you....no more until September....season is over.
1. The marriage of Henry VIII to which of his wives was declared null and void on the grounds of being "contrary to Divine Law"?
2. In which sport do the participants wear a loose white jacket called a Gi?
3. In a 1968 animated film Old Fred was the captain of which vessel?
4. Spring training for injured players of which sport takes place in the Cactus League and the Grapefruit League?
5. In 1838 the Archbishop of Canterbury placed the Coronation Ring on the wrong finger of which Monarch?
6. The Agouti is the only animal with teeth that are strong enough to open which type of nut?
7. Which mammal has 24 teeth, only 4 of which are in use at any time, the others moving forward in the jaw to replace any of the four that wear out or are lost?

and the last three our four pointers that we should have scored

8. In 1986 which actor played a character in Charlie's Angels which was so like Ian Fleming's depiction of James Bond that he later got the role of Bond?
9. In 2001 which goalkeeper become the first to score in the Premier League in a game between Aston Villa and Everton, which Villa won 3-2?
10.In Dante's Inferno what is the name of the first circle of Hell?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

1. Catherine of Aragon
2. Judo
3. Yellow submarine
4. Baseball
5. Queen Victoria
6. Brazilnut
7. Elephant
8. Timothy Dalton
9. Peter Schmeichel
10. Limbo

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